First off, I got pictures of the rest of what I planted for my grandmother.
That's her cherry tomato. I forget what variety it is off the top of my head. And in the pots are basil and parsley. They were supposed to end up on the front porch, but she hasn't wanted them out there yet... (Yes, I've reminded her/asked. She wants to leave them where they are for now.)
And on to the big project for today, planting the rest of my seedlings! (And doing a few other things.)
The Box #1! I'm trying square foot gardening in this and #2, but it's much more readily apparent here. The boxes are about 6'x3'. And in this box we have... (from left->right, front->back)
Basil (seeds just planted today), Anaheim pepper, okra x2 (seeds just planted today), Bell pepper, cilantro.
Jalepeno pepper, Anaheim pepper, okra x2, Bell pepper x2.
San Marzano tomato x3, Better Boy tomato, Early Girl tomato, Sweet 100 tomato.
I sunk the tomatoes and okra when I planted them (meaning, I deliberately planted them deeper than where the soil was in the previous container. Certain plants can grow roots off of what was the stem when you do this, which gives the plant a bigger and better root system). I dug down nearly to the bottom of the raised beds for the okra and most of the tomatoes! And also, I found some bone meal today, so I put a scoop of that in the hole for each tomato before I set it in. That should prevent them from getting Blossom End Rot when it comes time for them to fruit. As you might be able to tell, I'm using shredded newspaper for mulch. And I've only partially done the mulching... I'll put much around the rest of the plants in the box on Monday.
And as another note, I used one of those biodegradeable 4" pots for the seedlings. Like peat pots, but harvesting the fiber for the pots I got was supposed to be better for the environment than harvesting peat for peat pots. And the tomatoes were already sending their roots through the pots!
And, well, when I was starting the tomato seedlings, I started eight of them. Check, there's six in the box. Where'd the other two go?
Answer: here.
(Forgive the shadows, it was late in the day.)
These two clay pots were an AWESOME find for free. Every year my grandma's city has a "Clean Up Week", where residents put an unlimited amount of what they want to get rid of, no size restrictions, on Saturday and Sunday, and then Mon-Fri the city comes and hauls everything off. This is also a good time to troll around the streets looking for treasure in someone else's trash. That's what these were, though we had to pull plants out of them. We got a bunch of other planters, but these were the crown jewels of our haul. And now they're holding tomatoes.
The larger pot (here) has another Better Boy tomato in it. The smaller pot (here) has another Sweet 100. Aren't they purty?
I also put a sage and marjoram seedlings in the back corners of the bean box, but I didn't take a picture of them.
And just because I noticed the affect the light was having on the peas on the way inside... Here and here.
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