I'll be posting a lot of pictures, but not all of them. Here's the rest of the pics. The ones taken today have 5-28 at the beginning of them.
For the ones at my grandma's... Here are her beans. I forgot to get a picture of her tomato plant and herbs, but I can get those later.
Her bush beans:
The ones with the white flowers are Beananzas. The ones with the purple flowers are known as Purple Queens. She even has little beans already!
And her Speckled Butter Beans:
We're trying them this year because Grandma was wanting them again. These don't seem to be exactly what she remembers, but it's as close as I can find. And we've had a problem with snails eating them, sadly. :( I've done a second application of snail bait around them, so hopefully they'll have a chance to get a bit bigger before the little monsters come close again.
And now on to the stuff in my garden...
Box #1 is currently empty except for dirt. I've been hardening off the seedlings that go in there (tomatoes, peppers, okra, herbs), and I hope to get them planted this weekend.
Box #2:
This I'm calling my bean box. Obviously, I'm growing beans in it. I have some Speckled Butter Beans of my own to add to what my grandma's growing (the far right of the box, one I started indoors and transplanted and already with pods, and two more just sprouting out of the ground).
I also have four transplanted pinto beans, and I planted eight more pinto beans, and so far six of the eight have popped up. They look something like this:
I'm also doing a bunch of bush beans, Beananza and Purple Queen (same as grandma, so we only had to buy one packet of each). Out of them I only had one Beananza transplant, and I have planted six more beans of each, but so far only two of each have sprouted.
I've also planted radishes, carrots, and lettuce in that box. The radishes have popped up, but are in the shadows of the box picture. I've had a couple of the lettuces pop up, but no signs of life from most of them (I also have them behind the beans, so hopefully the climbing beans will protect them from the worst of the sun once summer gets going here). Also no sign of life from the carrots. I live in hope, though. I'll also be putting a couple herbs in the back corners of the box when I do the transplants this weekend.
And now onto Box #3:
The two newspapers with the holes ripped in the center are mulch for my zucchini plants. If you look closely, there's a seedling in each hole. One of them is a Ronde de Nice, the other is a Raven. The little sticks sticking up around it are where I've planted onions. Those haven't come up yet either. :(
I also have various containers growing... I don't have pictures of the strawberries or herbs yet, but I do have pictures of my peas. I did some peas in pots when I realized that the boxes weren't going to be done in time for me to plant the peas in those. I started all three pots at the same time, but then snails got the peas in the first two pots, so I had to start them again. You can tell the third pot because it's so much larger than the rest. The third even has some pea pods already!
I also have some memorial-type flowers going.
When my friend Emily got married last year, some of the favors at the reception were packets of wildflower seeds. Well, here's what one of those packets is doing:
And then early last year, both of my paternal grandparents passed away within months of each other. We managed to make it out for my grandmother's memorial service and interring both of them. With the cards we passed out at my grandma's memorial service was a little paper card with flower seeds embedded in it. I was the lucky one who kept it, and I planted it this year. So far, this is what it's doing:
It's actually not bad. The card that it came on said it would take about 4-6 weeks for it to sprout, and it's only been like 3.
And that's it for now! I'll keep updating the blog as things happen and the season moves forward!
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